Basu Law Firm

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Basu Law Firm
Photo of Annie Shonai Basu

100% Dedicated to Our Clients' Cause

Get A Motorcycle Accident Attorney On Your Side After A Crash

You may be facing more than serious injuries and financial burdens after a motorcycle crash. In addition, you may be on the receiving end of bias against bikers. The responding police officer, your doctor(s), an insurance company and/or a judge and jury may hold you responsible for the accident without regard to the facts of your case – just because you were lawfully operating a motorcycle.

At Basu Law Firm, PLLC, we fight to protect our motorcycle accident clients from any disadvantage that they may experience because of the common bias against motorcyclists. We are trial attorneys who stand up for our clients’ rights to recover compensation when others’ negligence has resulted in injuries or family members’ fatalities.

Things To Keep In Mind About Motorcycle Injuries And Accidents

Unlike occupants of cars and trucks, people on motorcycles do not enjoy the protection of vehicle bodies. So, when a crash occurs, they may be:

  • Crushed by the bike falling on top of them
  • Thrown into the air, resulting in horrific head, neck or spine injuries.

Road rash – a serious skin injury – is a common ailment affecting people hurt in motorcycle accidents.

With serious injuries after a motorcycle accident, you may soon discover that your insurance is not enough to cover your immediate medical expenses or meet your need for long-term disability accommodations. Your need for an aggressive motorcycle accident attorney is clear. If we represent you in such a case, we may work with life care specialists and other professionals who can help us document your future financial needs.

The detailed information that we gather will help us build a strong claim or lawsuit on your behalf to pursue compensation from other sources, such as another motorist’s insurance or your own insurer if you have underinsurance motorist coverage.

One Call Will Get You In Touch With Our Motorcycle Accident Attorneys

We successfully resolve hundreds or thousands of motor vehicle accident cases every year, but each client can count on personalized communications and aggressive pursuit of maximum available compensation.

Reach out to Basu Law Firm, PLLC, to schedule a free consultation at your earliest convenience. Call 713-369-5951 or send an email inquiry.