Basu Law Firm

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Basu Law Firm
Photo of Annie Shonai Basu

100% Dedicated to Our Clients' Cause

After A Motor Vehicle Accident, Seek Out Attorneys Who Truly Care

A car, truck or motorcycle crash is a shocking disruption for anyone. When injuries are serious, life is turned upside down. Besides the practical details associated with losing the use of your vehicle and perhaps being hospitalized, you will soon have large medical bills to worry about, and you may be financially stressed if you are unable to work for an extended period of time. To lessen your burdens at this difficult time, get in touch with a car accident lawyer who can manage the process of pursuing compensation for you.

For many people, the thought of getting a lawyer involved comes as an afterthought. However, the sooner you get your legal support on board, the more options you may have to maximize your compensation. The opportunity for a timely investigation into the accident is the most important reason to contact an attorney sooner rather than later.

At Basu Law Firm, PLLC, your inquiry will bring a prompt response. We are trial attorneys with 15 combined years of experience. We know how to construct a case that is likely to bring about a successful outcome.

About Your Crash And Injuries

If we represent you in a Houston-area motor vehicle accident case, we will start right away gathering facts, With evidence, we will seek to determine how your accident happened and how you were injured – perhaps because of:

  • A traffic violation such as speeding or an unsignaled left turn
  • A defective car or truck part
  • A visibility deficiency
  • A driver’s distractions
  • Poor road conditions and/or weather conditions
  • Traffic congestion leading to short following distances

Uncovering the truth can come about in many ways, such as:

  • Interviewing eyewitnesses
  • Evaluating the crashed vehicle(s)
  • Reviewing surveillance video footage
  • Obtaining the black box of a truck or car that has one, to verify details such as the speed that the vehicle was going
  • Obtaining cellphone records of all drivers

As we examine all discoverable facts in detail, we will also gather information about your injuries or those of your loved one who died in a crash. This knowledge will help us prepare a compelling injury claim or lawsuit on your behalf.

Just One Call Can Put You In Touch With Us After A Car, Truck Or Motorcycle Accident

Your road to recovery after an auto accident may be grueling and arduous. While you work at getting well, we, as skilled motor vehicle accident lawyers, can get your case underway. Our goal will be to recover the compensation you need to put your life back together.

Initial consultations are free and there will be no attorney fees until we recover compensation for you. Schedule a free consultation by calling 713-369-5951 or sending an email inquiry for a prompt response.